WIKAYA’s mission is to provide the healthcare system with innovative and engaging tools to improve the prevention of chronic diseases and related complications.
WIKAYA founders have spent years creating and growing WebTeb, a multi award-winning company and the leading medical and health portal in the Middle East and North Africa, which delivers state-of-the-art, health-related information to Arabic-speaking populations.
As a family doctor and digital health entrepreneur, Dr. Mahmoud Kaiyal (Co-Founder & CEO) combines his practical knowledge and the perspectives of doctors, patients, and health organizations. Understanding the needs of all three pillars of the healthcare system (the three Ps: Patients, Providers, and Payers) has led to the value first, then technology emergence of WIKAYA’s digital healthcare philosophy. WIKAYA focuses on providing all stakeholders with added value and has developed a breakthrough patented technology led by Nada Shalabi (Co-Founder & VP R&D), a software engineer with extensive experience in managing the development of innovative technologies along with passionate tech geeks who gather together to deliver that added value.